Thursday, 19 February 2009

Cross Trainer

This year I have decided to try and get fit for my general health and for agility this summer. Other previous attempts at exercise have failed - badminton due to injury, boxercise to due class being so far away, and running because I have done enough of that to last me a life time!!

I decided that the only way I would stick at something would be if it was exercise that was effective that I could do at home that would not require too much of a time committment. So the result is we have bought a cross trainer and put it in one of our spare bedrooms. After much indecision and a lot of research we bought a Tunturi machine (see below) which has a 19" stride length. Apparently the longer the stride length the better, especially for my long legs!!

It has a lovely colour monitor which lets you know your heart rate (through a heart rate belt that you wear), your power output and calories burned. There are also numerous programs that you can follow which I will try once I get a bit fitter!!

Anyway, we have now had it for about 3 weeks and it is absolutely brilliant. I do 3 sessions on it a week which only take me 20 minutes each. Malcolm also loves it since it a great form of exercise that he can do with his dodgy knee. In fact, it has even strengthened his knee considerably which is great.

So now all I have to do is keep my 3 session a week up and I should be in good shape for the summer :-)


  1. Well Emma I am finally joining you on your journey for finess. Today I will go for a short run with the dogs and I have filled the fridge with nothing but healthy foods, prawns, turkey and lots of fruit and veg. (We'll see how long its lasts)

  2. Lol Emma my legs are killing today. I went for a 50 minute run and I am glad I did it but boy did I pay for it today during my one to ones.
